How Can ACCADA Help You Help a Loved One? - Ashland County Council of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

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How Can ACCADA Help You Help a Loved One?

How Can ACCADA Help You Help a Loved One?
November 01, 2022

When you start to notice changes in a loved one’s behavior that seem related to drug or alcohol use, a million thoughts race through your mind. What’s going on with them? Will they listen? Do they realize what’s happening to them? How can I help? A whirlwind of anxiety, fear, helplessness, and even shame can leave you paralyzed by what you suspect, that your loved one might be suffering from a substance use disorder.

Even if you think your loved one will be resistant to help, it’s important to know that there is help, so that when they are ready and want support, you can be informed about where they can go to get the help they desire. ACCADA provides a variety of services to help those with substance use disorders manage their addiction and restore hope to their lives.

Here are some of the services that are available to you and your loved one:

Free Substance Misuse Educational Counseling

The hardest part about being the friend or family member of someone who is struggling with substance use can be knowing how to broach the subject with them. One of the ways we can support you is by providing guidance for how you might persuade your loved one to seek help. Anyone who is interested in helping a loved one can participate in free educational counseling through our center. We will also share with you what resources are available for you and/or your loved one.

General Mental Health Counseling

If your loved one doesn’t yet see their substance use as a problem, perhaps they will be open to more general mental health counseling to address the issues they are experiencing. Even though they might not think drugs or alcohol are the source of their struggles, they may recognize some of the symptoms and want to do something about them. ACCADA can help your loved one with depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, anger management, and more.

We also know how hard it is to be affected by a loved one’s substance use and offer counseling and guidance to family members as well. 

Confidential, Free Assessments

Just because your loved one is open to receiving help doesn’t mean they are eager to pour out their heart. They may feel just as scared, helpless, and ashamed as you are feeling for them. We believe it’s important to respect and honor a person’s story. We’ve all gone through dark times. There’s no shame here. ACCADA provides a free, nonjudgmental assessment where an individual can confidentially tell their story. We also recognize that anticipating such an appointment can be frightening and overwhelming, so most of the time, same-day appointments for assessments are available. 

Individual Treatment Plans for Each Unique Individual

We know that every single person is unique, and every situation is different. If your loved one decides to receive treatment at ACCADA, we will do everything we can to make sure they feel heard. There is no cookie-cutter treatment plan; individuals will participate in deciding what services are right for them, whether they prefer individual counseling or group programming or another one of the services we offer. The treatment plan is their plan for recovery, not ours.

Detox Programs and In-Patient Rehabilitation

In addition to the services above, there are more intensive treatment options available. It may be more difficult to persuade your loved one to participate in these programs, but if they are open to them, we have trusted detox program partners in both Mansfield and Wooster as well as connections with several Ohio facilities that offer in-patient rehabilitation services.

Recovery Support

For many, the road to recovery is long, with switchbacks and detours along the way. If your loved one is in recovery, you can help them maintain their sobriety by pointing them in the direction of individual counseling, group counseling, case management, life skills assistance, and peer support. Ashland also has recovery housing available to help individuals break out of their old habits and routines within a secure and supportive environment. Your loved one may want this additional support to build a whole network of people to be with them along their journey. 

Your compassion and concern for your loved one matters. Just being aware of the resources that are available to you can help you take that first, hard step to having a conversation. If you would like to talk through your specific scenario, we would be glad to meet with you. We have locations in both Ashland and Loudonville. Call our office at 419.289.7675 or contact us online to schedule an appointment. We are ready to partner with you in whatever ways we can.


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Ashland County Council on
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

Phone: (419) 289-7675

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Ashland Location
310 College Avenue
Ashland, Ohio 44805

Hours: Weekdays 8:30-5:30, Weds. hours extend to 8 PM
Loudonville Location
Kettering Health Center
546 North Union Street
Loudonville, Ohio 44842

Hours: Thursdays, 1-5 PM

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Copyright © 2025 Ashland County Council of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. All rights reserved.

In addition to our services in Ashland, we offer services in Loudonville. Our Loudonville office is at the Kettering Health Center, 546 North Union Street. We provide services at this location on Thursdays from 1 to 5 PM.

To schedule an appointment, call (419) 289-7675.