How Ashland’s Quick Response Team Can Help Your Family - Ashland County Council of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

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How Ashland’s Quick Response Team Can Help Your Family

August 10, 2023

In the immediate aftermath of an overdose, it’s hard to think straight about what you might need or how you should proceed in the coming days and weeks. You’re mainly focused on how to survive and how to keep your family afloat. 

This is probably the hardest thing your family has ever been through. We want you to know that you aren’t alone.

Ashland County Quick Response Team

When it comes to drug addiction and overdose, there’s no time to delay. That’s why Ashland has a dedicated team of detectives and peers who are trained to handle, support, and encourage the recovery of survivors of an overdose situation. The Ashland County Quick Response Team’s ultimate goal is to reduce the number of overdoses in our community, provide hope, and help people live better lives.

The Quick Response Team (QRT) is also trained and equipped to support family members impacted by overdose. 

Resources for Recovery from an Overdose in Ashland County

Often, the ones we love can’t see the dangerous situation they are in. It takes a friend or family member to step up, express concern, and steer them toward the resources they need to overcome their addiction.

When you connect with the Quick Response Team, they will respond with compassion and hope, pointing you in the direction of treatment access, withdrawal treatment, outpatient services, and peer and recovery services that can help your loved one.

Food, Shelter, and Clothing Resources for Families of Overdose Survivors

Overdoses and recovery disrupt lives and create severe levels of stress and anxiety for the family and friends who care for the survivor. 

The QRT can refer you to places that can help you provide for your basic needs, like food, housing, clothing, utilities support, and more to ease the burden of the situation and help you and your loved ones get back on your feet.

Health Care, Counseling, and Support for Families of Overdose Survivors

Overdose survivors aren’t the only ones in crisis. This experience has been traumatic for everyone surrounding that loved one. QRT provides counseling and support for the families of survivors in addition to support services for your loved one as they navigate the early steps of recovery.

When you’re under so much emotional stress, it can take a toll on your physical health. 

The QRT can also help you get in touch with affordable or free healthcare physicians and dental services to help you and your loved one get the treatment you need.

Domestic Violence Shelter and Temporary Housing

Drug and alcohol misuse are frequently linked to aggressive and violent behavior that can cause harm to loved ones… even when we think “they didn’t mean anything by it,” “they aren’t really that way,” or “they’re a good person deep down.” 

We believe they are a good person deep down, too, but the drugs and alcohol are clouding their judgment, changing their behavior, and putting your physical, emotional, and mental health at risk.

If you feel you are in an unsafe situation, the QRT can help you connect with Safe Haven, a domestic violence shelter in Ashland County, to secure safe housing. If your housing is disrupted because your loved one has been arrested or is being treated for drug addiction or alcohol misuse, we can also help you find a safe place to stay until a more permanent solution can be found. (If you need immediate help, call the Safe Haven 24-hour crisis hotline at 419-289-8085.)

Or, if your loved one needs temporary housing to recover, ACCADA has two locations in Ashland to support your loved one’s recovery.

How to Use Narcan and Where to Get Naloxone Doses in Ashland County

Accidental overdose is a rising threat in our community. It knows no socioeconomic boundaries. The QRT can teach your family, your organization, and your community leaders about the importance of Narcan, the brand name of the drug Naloxone, which can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.

Because of the alarming rate of overdoses and how potent these drugs have become in recent years, we believe Narcan should be a staple in every home’s First Aid Kit. 

If you want to have Narcan on-hand, doses are available for free from the QRT.

Additional Resources for Families of Overdose Survivors in Ashland County

There might be additional needs that surface as you continue your journey with your loved one through recovery, needs that are far into the future and not on your mind in the days immediately after your loved one’s overdose. 

QRT prepares a packet of information for the families of overdose survivors so they can reference all of the resources available to them in Ashland County. And resources are available right on your smartphone through the Healthy Ashland App, including crisis hotline access, mental health resources, inspirational tips, and more.

Your loved one’s and your family’s lives matter. The QRT exists to come alongside you during times of crisis and worry, to support, to advocate, and to point you in the right direction for recovery so that you and your loved ones can live a better life.

Call ACCADA at (419) 289-7675 or connect with us for the support you need to navigate this difficult time.

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Ashland County Council on
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

Phone: (419) 289-7675

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Ashland Location
310 College Avenue
Ashland, Ohio 44805

Hours: Weekdays 8:30-5:30, Weds. hours extend to 8 PM
Loudonville Location
Kettering Health Center
546 North Union Street
Loudonville, Ohio 44842

Hours: Thursdays, 1-5 PM

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In addition to our services in Ashland, we offer services in Loudonville. Our Loudonville office is at the Kettering Health Center, 546 North Union Street. We provide services at this location on Thursdays from 1 to 5 PM.

To schedule an appointment, call (419) 289-7675.